''For a long time c 'has been a denial of state. Today we must be vigilant about another danger and that means' it is moved from a denial to an ideology that is based on 'oblivion and on the' habit of forgetting.'' He said the mayor of Rome Gianni Alemanno talking to the audience of 'Julius Caesar during the actual classroom Capitoline extraordinary organized on the occasion Day of Remembrance. For Alemanno and 'important to convey clear messages to young people but also the awareness that this''' which is celebrated today is the failure of an extremely serious situation that had an impact on national life for so many years.'' And if the sense of belonging and identification with a community 'for many in history, has led to death or to' exodus''must not think that the opposite of 'hatred is the cancellation of' identity. This story teaches us how important it was strong and the feeling of being Italian. So the identity 'are constructive and positive paths, and woe to a' Europe that remove ".
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