purges in Committee - Speech by Gianluca Pignatelli parent PDL
Cleanup councilor environment, Mrs. Alice Tura, the City Council Treviglio took place because, while the mayor is willing to build to a portion of land included in the park supra (plis), the environment commissioner opposed it and challenged the decisions taken in the PGT.
The area in question, the subject of the imposing building project sponsored Mayor Borghi, is located south of the road that leads from Treviglio in Cassano d'Adda, near the City, not far from the oasis of "Roccolo. And so the council Borghi, that "different", the "new", the "environmentalist", the one that was to mark the departure from the current management Zordan, it is also a convert to the religion of brick, pace of the Park supra. The choice of the Mayor
urban villages is also in contradiction with the PGT project is nearing completion (inherited from the previous administration and made their own center-left). According to town planning, the City should grow to the south, so much so that in the very first draft brought to the City Council, acknowledged for the area in question was intended precisely to green.
Then, over time, this expansion project on the area of \u200b\u200bthe Park should have won acclaim in the majority until, just behind the municipal elections, the mayor has done its villages.
If the preliminary document of the PGT, the Municipal Council led by Mayor villages a couple of years ago, this portion of the City was not interested in building, has concluded that, compared to the original intentions of the majority that now governs Treviglio, this " neighborhood has been placed later, "in force", or so it seems in light of what the former commissioner Tura told the press. Mrs. Tura has stated: "I've always been drawn criticism for a residential planned Plis in which we have adopted in recent years. The hypothesis of these areas contrasts with the very principle of the park. I've always said and I am convinced still. "
serious statements, which accuse the heavily urban management of the City.
On the other hand as you can not be concerned when the council is part of a "stay" the commitment to the park supra, assuming conduct incompatible with it, and the other an expansion south of Treviglio, between the railway and highway, assuming a new town houses and warehouses where they mix? The model
Zingonia do not want it! Treviglio should not be turned into a suburb of Milan.
Gianluca Pignatelli
Councillor - Parent PDL
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